In this example we will upload a PDF document and add a text link to open it from the Policies page, however, this can be done for any type of document (Word, Excel, etc.) and the link can be placed on any page or blog post.

~ We recommend that Word documents are converted to PDF before uploading as this format is more widely accessible. ~

~ The filename of your document will be used as the link on your webpage, so it’s a good idea to rename
your document to something appropriate before you upload it. ~

01. Begin by going to your website’s Dashboard
02. Hover your mouse over the Pages section and click on the All Pages link that appears.
03. Hover your mouse over the Policies page (or whatever page/post you want to place the link on) and click the Edit link that appears.
04. When the text editor appears, place the cursor wherever you want the link to your document to appear.
05. Click the Add Media button.
06. Click the Upload Files link
07. Click the Select Files button
08. Browse to where you have saved the document on your computer, highlight it and click the Open button (or whatever the equivalent button is on your computer). This will upload the document to your website.
09. Click the Insert into page button
10. A text link will appear. The text of this link with be exactly the same as the filename of your document.
11. Click the Update button

NOTE: If you want to alter the link that was just created, go to our tutorial on how to edit an existing text link.

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