To add an image to a new or an existing blog post:
01. Begin by going to your website’s Dashboard
02. Hover over the Posts section and click on the All Posts link that appears
03. Hover over the blog post that you want to add an image to and click the Edit link that appears
04. Place your cursor where you want the image to appear
05. Click the Add Media button. This will open the Media Library.
06. If you have previously uploaded the image you want to insert into the post, select it by clicking on it.
If you haven’t uploaded the image yet, you can do it now by clicking on the Upload Files tab at the top, then follow the instructions.
07. In the bottom right corner there is an area called Attacthment Display Settings where you can choose the alignment and the size of the image
08. Click on the blue Insert Into Post button
09. The image will be added to the post. Save your changed by click on the blue Update button.
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