How to add your Halloween decoration to your website’s image slider

01. Begin by selecting one of the images above, right clicking on it and saving it to a convenient location on your computer. You can use as many of the images as you want.
02. Log in to your website’s dashboard.
03. Hover your mouse over the Metaslider option and click on the Metaslider link that appears.
04. On the next screen, click on the Add Slide link.
05. Click on the Upload Files option at the top of the screen.
06. Click on the Select Files button, then browse to the location on your computer where you saved the Halloween decoration.
07. Select the image and click the Open button. This will upload your chosen Halloween decoration to your website.
08. With the image selected, click the ‘Add to slideshow’ button at the bottom right. This adds the Halloween decoration to the image slider on your homepage.
09. *Optional* You can reorder the slides in your slideshow simply by dragging them. The slide at the top will be displayed first.
10. Click the blue Save button.

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